
I love backpack buddies they help me and my family with dinners and lunches. You have done so much for us and I thank you for all of your help. If it was not for you, I would never have much food for my family. I would go home and my family would light up. We cook together and sometimes I cook for fun. The thing I love most is the milk, fruit, cookies, pudding and Roman noodles. So I could put them in my lunch and eat them when it is lunchtime. Thank you so much and I’m looking forward to seeing you soon. Love.


The program has really helped a lot. When my parents aren’t home, I’ll usually prepare something for me and my siblings. Just want to thank you for your support.

Grade 7Tippit Middle School

I like Backpack Buddies. It helps me in school.

Grade 3Carver Elementary School

This is a great program to help the kids that need it the most.

Grade 7Tippit Middle School

My family is happy to get food.

Grade 2Carver Elementary School

The bags are truly helpful in my home and my kids get so excited every week when they get home to see what’s inside.

ParentMitchell Elementary School

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